VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

Investigator Responsibilities Regarding COVID during the VCU Winter Closure

Dear Members of the VCU Research Community, As we approach the VCU Winter Closure, the HRPP and IRB would like to thank the research community for their collaboration with us this year. We faced some new challenges, and we are proud that we worked together to facilitate research that benefits our patients, students, and community. […]

IRB Mythbusters – Interacting With the IRB

The VCU Human Research Protection Program presents IRB Mythbusters — a periodic newsletter clarifying common misconceptions about conducting human research and the IRB!  In this issue, “myths” surrounding interacting with the IRB are addressed. Access previous editions of IRB Mythbusters by visiting the “mythbusters” tag on our blog. MYTH #1: The IRB is a bureaucratic […]


The VCU Human Research Protection Program (IRB) Office will be closed for the holidays December 19, 2020 through January 3, 2021, and will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2021.    Investigators remain responsible for reporting to the IRB any unanticipated problems involving risk to subjects or others that occur during this time.  Please Note:  With the […]

Wright Center to Host Community Engaged Research Seminars

Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research introduces a new three-part seminar series to train early career faculty and researchers in community engaged research. The series hopes to increase the number of VCU junior faculty and researchers who comprehend CEnR and apply CEnR principles to their research. Attendees will be able to: explain and recognize […]

VCU Human Research Protection Program Holiday Schedule

Thanksgiving Holiday The Human Research Protection Program (IRB) office will be closed for Thanksgiving beginning at noon on Wednesday, 11/25/20 and will reopen on Monday, 11/30/20. Investigators remain responsible for reporting to the IRB any unanticipated problems involving risk to subjects or others that occur during this time.  Upcoming VCU Winter Closing Holiday The Human […]

IRB Mythbusters – Conducting Research During COVID-19

The VCU Human Research Protection Program presents IRB Mythbusters — a periodic newsletter clarifying common misconceptions about conducting human research and the IRB!  In this issue, “myths” surrounding conducting research during the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed. Access previous editions of IRB Mythbusters by visiting the “mythbusters” tag on our blog. MYTH #1:  All electronic consent […]

Updated WPPs Available

The IRB’s Written Policies and Procedures (WPPs) were updated as of 10/30/2020 and are now available on the IRB’s website. Links throughout the document were corrected and cross-linked. Clarification was added to 3 WPPs about how the IRB reviews corrective actions or substantive changes that occur in response to an unanticipated problem – in particular changes […]

Training for NEW WIRB Electronic Submission System: WCG IRB Connexus

WIRB has announced the rollout of their new electronic submission system WCG IRB Connexus.  Training will be held on Tuesday November 10th at 10am.  Please ensure that a member of the study team either attends the training or reviews the recorded session prior to initiating registration in the new Connexus system. Study teams should continue to use […]

Wright Center Consulting Hours — VIRTUAL (11/11/2020)

The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, in collaboration with the VCU Human Research Protection Program, are pleased to offer consulting hours. These open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom, from 11am to 2pm on Wednesday, November 11th. The following consultants will be present: IRB, Research Navigation, Informatics, Biostatistics, and Recruitment Specialist. […]

OHRP Exception Determination: Single IRB (sIRB) Requirements

On October 8, 2020, the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), issued an exception determination (as permitted by 45 CFR 46.114(b)(2)(ii)) stating that certain categories of cooperative research supported or conducted by HHS and subject to the 2018 Requirements are not required to comply […]

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