VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

Navigating RAMS-IRB to View Changes Made to a Submission

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for IRB members who need to conduct reviews of changes that have been made to studies/submissions that are assigned to them at a meeting. This Gif Guide covers how to view changes to the SmartForm as well as changes to documents, and how to compare various versions of the […]

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Make Changes Requested by the IRB

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through processes required to make changes to a submission that are requested by the IRB, including viewing and responding to reviewer notes, communicating with reviewers/IRB staff, and submitting required changes. You […]

IRB Mythbusters – External Reliance

The VCU Human Research Protection Program presents IRB Mythbusters — a periodic newsletter clarifying common misconceptions about conducting human research and the IRB!  In this issue, “myths” surrounding External IRB Reliance (i.e.: when an external IRB, such as WCG, Advarra, or another academic institution reviews a VCU study) are addressed. View the attachment to see […]

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Conduct Reviews

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for IRB members who need to conduct reviews of studies/submissions that are assigned to them at a meeting. This Gif Guide covers navigation of the SmartForm, logging reviewer notes, viewing documents, logging public/private comments, and finalizing reviews. To learn how to locate IRB meetings in RAMS-IRB, use this Gif […]

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Locate Your Meeting Attendance

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for IRB members who wish to locate a history of the meetings they have attended. This may be important for tracking performance and ensuring that you have attended enough meetings to satisfy the requirements for being an IRB member. You can access more RAMS Gif Guides by using the […]

Navigating IRB Meeting Workspaces

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for IRB members who need to navigate a meeting workspace in order to confirm or decline attendance, view agendas, and access studies on a meeting’s agenda. This is done after a specific meeting is selected in RAMS-IRB. Finding and selecting a specific meeting in RAMS-IRB is covered in a […]

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Locate IRB Meetings

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for IRB members who wish to locate upcoming IRB meetings in RAMS-IRB, in order to confirm or decline attendance, view agendas, and access studies on the agenda. This Gif Guide covers only how to locate meetings. Navigating a meeting’s workspace (to confirm or decline attendance, view agendas, and access […]

Updated WPPs and PROC and Informatics instructions

The IRB’s Written Policies and Procedures (WPPs) were updated as of 6/18/2021 to align policies with the recent RAMS-IRB patch updates and are now available on the IRB’s website. Important Instructions and FAQ’s for studies that will use VCU Health patients, data, and/or facilities: What should I do if a Protocol Review Oversight Committee (PROC) has not […]

RAMS-IRB is back online after patch

The RAMS-IRB patch today was completed successfully and is now back online. For a description of what updates are included in this patch, please refer to the document below. Please contact the assigned IRB coordinator for your study or [email protected] if problems are encountered.

IRB Reminders Regarding Updated Public Health Guidelines

The VCU HRPP appreciates the work and dedication of the research community throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. As VCU has recently announced an update to the University’s public health guidelines, the VCU HRPP would like to take this opportunity to remind investigators of continuing responsibilities related to human subjects research projects during this […]

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