VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) Blog

The VCU HRPP is dedicated to facilitating ethically and scientifically sound research through robust review of research projects and through effective education and outreach to the VCU research community.

UPCOMING CHANGE: Studies Reviewed by External IRBs Will Require Department Review

On 6/17/2021, RAMS-IRB will undergo a patch to make several changes. One change that will be implemented during the upcoming RAMS-IRB patch on 6/17/2021 is the addition of studies that request EXTERNAL IRB REVIEW being routed to department review first. When VCU cedes IRB review to another institution, we retain responsibility for ensuring that the […]

IRB Mythbusters – New Investigators

The VCU Human Research Protection Program presents IRB Mythbusters — a periodic newsletter clarifying common misconceptions about conducting human research and the IRB!  In this issue, “myths” surrounding starting research as a new investigator at VCU are addressed. Access previous editions of IRB Mythbusters by visiting the “mythbusters” tag on our blog. MYTH #1: If […]

AIRS Annual Update – May 10th

As a reminder, the Financial Interest Report (FIR) annual update opens on Monday, May 10th. All COI investigators with active research studies at VCU must complete their annual update on or after May 10th. The annual update must be completed regardless of whether they have recently updated their FIR prior to May 10th or if they have no […]

REDCap eConsent Templates Now Available for Use in Human Research

The VCU Human Research Protection Program and the C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research are pleased to announce that REDCap eConsent templates are now available for use in human research.  Full IRB guidance on the use of REDCap eConsent will be available under the “Informed Consent” accordion on the VCU […]

Tiering System for Human Research Discontinued

The VCU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) would like to notify the VCU research community that the tiering system initially implemented at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic that required researchers to categorize their studies as one of 4 different tiers of research has been discontinued.  Provided that PIs can determine that resources are available […]

IRB Mythbusters – Special Populations

The VCU Human Research Protection Program presents IRB Mythbusters — a periodic newsletter clarifying common misconceptions about conducting human research and the IRB!  In this issue, “myths” surrounding special populations are addressed. Access previous editions of IRB Mythbusters by visiting the “mythbusters” tag on our blog. MYTH #1: In my IRB submission, I should select […]

Wright Center Consulting Hours — VIRTUAL (5/21/21)

The Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research, in collaboration with the VCU Human Research Protection Program, are pleased to offer virtual open consulting hours. These open consulting hours will be hosted VIRTUALLY using Zoom. The consulting hours will include consultants from the following research areas: Biostatistics IND/IDE/FDA regulations Informatics IRB (Human Subjects Protection) Library […]

Updated WPPs Available

The IRB’s Written Policies and Procedures (WPPs) were updated as of 4/15/2021 and are now available on the IRB’s website. Many of the updates were minor, such as adding new links to resources on state-mandated disease reporting, IRB guidance on cold calling and use of social media, and an IRB video about reconsenting children when they turn […]

RAMS-IRB is back online after patch

The RAMS-IRB patch today was completed successfully and is now back online. For a description of what updates are included in this patch, please refer to: Please contact the assigned IRB coordinator for your study or [email protected] if problems are encountered.

Navigating RAMS-IRB to Create and Navigate Through New Studies

This RAMS Gif Guide is intended for researchers and research teams using the RAMS-IRB system to manage IRB submissions. This guide will walk users through the process of creating a new study, various methods for navigating through a study, and how to submit a study to the IRB for review. You can access more RAMS […]

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