VCU Engineering researcher named faculty director of the High Performance Research Computing Core facility
VCU’s Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI) has named Alberto Cano, Ph.D., faculty director of the High Performance Research Computing Core facility (HPRC). Cano is an associate professor in VCU Engineering’s Department of Computer Science. He also heads the High-Performance Data Mining laboratory, focusing on big data mining and machine learning algorithms using high-performance computing.
Cano’s research examines machine learning, big data, data streams, concept drift, continual learning, graphics processing units and distributed computing. Some of his recent research, funded by Hamilton Beach Brands, involves machine learning for supply chain management. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and also belongs to the Association for Computing Machinery.
The HPRC is modernizing its high-performance computing systems, including operating systems, software, and submission systems for each cluster. Core staff will work with users to ease the transition to the modernized submission systems for each cluster as they are updated.
Later this spring, the computing core will launch a redesigned website and, with assistance from additional personnel hired with OVPRI support, expand user support services of the HPRC Clusters and increase use by the VCU community. Those interested in learning more about the HPRC and its potential uses may contact Cano.
For information on other VCU core facilities, please contact the individual core directors or Paul Fawcett, Ph.D., director of research infrastructure, for more about these invaluable resources for the VCU research enterprise.
Categories Computer Science, Faculty Awards