VCU Community Engagement News

Center for Community Engagement and Impact

VCU suspends all in-person youth activities on campus for summer 2020.

In response to concerns about the COVID-19 (coronavirus) and in support of the wellness and safety of all members of our community, Virginia Commonwealth University has suspended all in-person youth activities on-campus for summer 2020.

Online activities for minors may continue as scheduled. Programs interested in replacing in-person activities with online activities must continue following the Safety and Protection of Minors Policy before starting programs with students. We also recommend that programs review the Guidelines in Online Programs and the Youth Programs Manual. These documents provide policies and resources for creating and running safe and engaging online programs.

Departments and programs considering converting their in-person campus to an online offering should consider the following:

  • All policy requirements and expectations apply to online formats.
  • Departments or programs will assume all expenses associated with an in-person to online camp program conversion. Additionally, VCU resources may not be available to support camp conversions as resources are currently prioritized to student-faculty support.
  • Deans must approve conversion expenses before expenditure to ensure fiscal compliance. 
  • Publicly available program content must meet all current Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design requirements, including Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA and associated social media and digital standards. Details and resources are available online

For questions, contact the Mary and Frances Youth Center at

Guidelines in Online Programs are available online. 

The Youth Programs Manual is available online.

Guidelines for a productive return to VCU are available online.

For the latest VCU return to campus information, actions and resources visit the

Categories Mary and Frances Youth Center