School of Business

VCU Blogs

Author: Megan Nash

Meet Janet Reid, Business Librarian at the James Branch Cabell Library at VCU. Since the age of 10, Janet set her sights on a clear goal: to be a librarian. True to her word, she’s not only fulfilled that childhood dream but has paved a career path through law libraries, the corporate world and finally anchored in 2017 at the VCU School of Business. Turn the page to learn more about Janet and the intriguing guest list at her dream dinner.

Let’s get started!

Where can we find you on the VCU campus map?  

You can find me at the Cabell Library, First Floor, Room 121-G

Can you share a bit about your educational journey? Where did you go to school, and what was your major?

I have a B.S. in Library Science from Radford University in Radford, Virginia, and a M.L.S. in Library Science from North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina.

Are there any key accomplishments or milestones in your career that you’re particularly proud of?

At the age of 10 I declared that I was going to be a librarian.  

I am thankful and excited to have worked in this profession throughout my career. I started my career by selecting to be what my profession defines as a Special Librarian, because I planned on working in a corporate library. I have had the unique and exhilarating experience of creating, maintaining and delivering full library services and resources at the Howard University School of Law, Minneapolis Star Tribune, CenterPoint Energy and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. So, my work experience has successfully accomplished the goal set by 10-year-old Janet and more.

In what ways do you collaborate with other departments or teams?

I am driven and excited daily to collaborate with the faculty and all the departments at the VCU School of Business. We work rigorously to find methods to work together to help students take advantage of the robust resources and services offered by the library that uniquely support curriculum integrated instruction and research.

For example, each semester I go into numerous classes to provide instruction regarding the use of full-text databases as well as assist students with workshops devoted to hands-on demonstrations for using full-text databases to solve real world problems faced by corporations in our region.

Wonderful! You contribute so much to students and the community. Thank you for your passion and inspiring a love for curiosity and learning. Let’s switch gears and find out more about you!

What’s the most unusual or interesting item on your desk or in your office that tells a story about you?

There is a map of Virginia and North Carolina on my desk connecting the dots between the four cities in which me and my siblings live as well as the city in which we were born. This map and its connection points remind me of the people who have my heart and love me the most.

What never fails to make you smile?  

Babies laughing represents pure joy! 

If you were organizing a dinner party with three historical or fictional figures, who would you invite and why?

  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – I want to understand the deeper meaning behind his last sermon, “I’ve Been to The Mountaintop.” I would ask him what the inspiration for this sermon was.
  • Frederick Douglass – Civil rights work is difficult and requires patience so I would ask Fredrick Douglass what gave him courage or inspiration to pursue civil rights.
  • Mother Teresa – Balance can be a helpful characteristic that allows one to handle work pursuits and service. So, I would like to ask Mother Teresa what her main motivation for selfless living was.              
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