School of Business

VCU Blogs

Student of the Year
Laura Cooper

Laura has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments in scholarship and leadership. She graduated with a 4.0 accounting GPA. In addition to her academic achievement, she completed three internships: one with KPMG in tax and two with Deloitte in audit and assurance.  Laura was very active in the Accounting Beta Alpha Psi, serving as its Vice President and coordinating meetings for accounting students. She is currently studying for her CPA exam and, in September, will begin working as an audit associate at Deloitte, a Big Four public accounting firm.

Distinguished Service Award
Michael Viola

Michael has provided distinguished service to the department, university, and community. He served as president of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting honor society, for the 2020 school year. He helped lead Beta Alpha Psi’s efforts to host a speaker series, the combined annual Leaders Workshop and Meet the Firms for recruiters and other networking opportunities. Michael has also led BAP community volunteer efforts with Feed More and VITA. He is pursuing his Master of Accounting and CPA before commencing employment as an Audit Associate with Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP in January 2022.

Ann G. and Barney Roland Freasier, Sr. Tax Award
Christopher M. Pirrello

This award is presented annually to an outstanding student who has taken at least six hours of taxation courses at VCU and has demonstrated the most promise in the field of taxation. Christopher succeeded in Tax Accounting, Advanced Tax Accounting, and Tax Research and Planning courses at VCU. After graduating, Christopher will begin to pursue his CPA designation and plans to continue his career at Capital One.

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