School of Business

VCU Blogs

Student of the Year
Kylee Tennis

Kylee Tennis’s passion for analytics and research made her an easy choice for SCMA’s Student of the Year Award. Kylee has an outstanding academic record, with a major GPA of 4.0, and was described by a SCMA professor as “diligent and insightful”. Additionally, for over a year now Kylee has been working as an intern with Ember Labs as a Game Sales Analyst. At this point, she has completed over six comprehensive analytic projects for them. After graduation, she plans to work as a Logistics Analyst in the Washington DC area. Congratulations Kylee!


Distinguished Service Award
Shane Rogers

Congratulations to Shane Rogers, the SCMA Distinguished Service Award winner! Even during a pandemic, Shane has found ways to serve both VCU and the community. In the fall of 2020, he was part of the Supply Chain Analytics Project. Recently Shane co-founded and became the Vice President of the Supply Chain Management and Analytics Honor Society: Sigma Chi Mu Tau.  He also volunteers in the community by teaching Jiu-Jitsu to children. Shane is currently an intern at Century Distribution Systems while maintaining a near perfect GPA. Upon graduation Shane plans to work full-time while pursuing a Master’s degree in Statistics. 

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