School of Business

VCU Blogs

Alyssa Salomon is the perfect mashup for her position as artist-in-residence at VCU’s School of Business: former accountant and investment banker, art educator, and artist with experience with photography, fiber art and printmaking. Since last August, she’s invited students, staff and faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University to “come sit with me and make.”

“I have used the basic idea of saying we’re making all the time: We make lunch, we make friends, we make plans, we make trouble, we make up, we make a future,” Salomon says. Estimating that she has interacted with approximately 600 people — including a book-making workshop with 160 students. She has invited individuals to make buttons and origami with reproductions of $100 bills and brainstorm economic exchange rates.

For four days, she sat in the atrium of the Business School and asked people to sell her anything — an object, an idea — for her money; participants determined the exchange rate.

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