Teaching art in a secondary environment has been an extremely rewarding experience!  Although, working with a developing middle school population can have its challenges.  For many new teachers, keeping control of the classroom is the greatest priority and many equate this with confining students to their seats with little movement as possible.  Now a successful classroom must have management but that does not mean students have to be “chained” to their seats- at least not all the time 😉  Some students need movement to allow their ideas and cognition to flow freely- especially in the art classroom.  One lesson my sixth graders thoroughly enjoyed was inspired by the pop art movement and highlighted pop artist, Keith Haring.  After describing the life and art career of Haring students were thrilled when they heard the assignment- life sized body tracings of themselves.  Students chose a pose that was unique to them and were traced from head to toe.  Afterwards they used colors to fill in those tracings.  Not only did students enjoy the funny poses their classmates chose, but they were internally motivated.  As I walked throughout the class I could hear laughter, students making suggestions to other students, tables sharing supplies, and so much more.  Projects like these not only allow students to move, but the art classroom to come alive.


Categories Spring 2018, Student Teacher Blog